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Reclaiming the Light paperback giveaway!

*Reposted from

As some of you may know, I have published a memoir, Reclaiming the Light,which is available on Amazon via Kindle or paperback. It deals with childhood abuse, domestic violence, and the journey from victim to survivor. It is my story, but it could be anyone’s story.

I would like to offer a signed copy to someone who has not had the opportunity to obtain one, or would just like their very own copy from me. :) In order to qualify for this giveaway, I just ask that you leave a private note here with your email address so that I may contact you if you are the winner. I will be posting this giveaway on my twitter account as well with the same request, and on the day of the giveaway, will be assigning a number to each email and enter them into a random number generator in order to choose.

You may also choose to subscribe to my blog, here and leave a note there. I post a lot of my articles there as well, and other posts about self-help, self-awareness, self-improvement, philosophy, and things of that nature.

If you click the link on the title of the book, you’re welcome to purchase a copy if you do not win. If you have a Kindle Unlimited membership, it is free to read.

If you let me know that you’ve shared this article via twitter or facebook, that will give you more entries!!

Thanks so much, I really look forward to engaging with all of you and I hope my words help others who have been through these things.

Take care, and find your light. ❤

For those of you reading this on my blog, just subscribe and leave a private note here with your email address. Or you can follow me on twitter and DM me there with the same information.

Contest ends February 14th!


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