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Now wouldn’t this be wonderful? To be covered in paint, without a care in the world, with a grin plastered on our faces, happy and carefree. 

Well, why aren’t you?
How did you make yourself smile today? Yesterday? Last week?
In today’s fast paced world, it is rare for anyone to take the time to think of their own personal development, their own personal needs, their self-care. We are so caught up in the here and now, the selfie moment so to speak, we don’t take the necessary time to stop and smell the roses. 
Stress, anxiety, and depression have become commonplace in our society. As we get older, especially women, studies have shown that benzodiazepine prescriptions increase. The majority of these prescriptions are not even written by psychiatrist, but by our regular internists. What does this say about how we are living our lives? 
Rather than set aside a few moments per day to work on ourselves, we take pills to ease our pain, physically and mentally. Another testament to fast and easy.
The fact that psychiatrists are not the ones generally prescribing these medications also tells me that we are still hiding our issues and not talking about what’s really going on. If we can not share our minds with others, how can we ever expect to heal?
Each day, if only for a moment, we can make the choice to take time for ourselves. Mindful meditation, yoga, a relaxing bath, a chapter in a book, that conversation with a friend we’ve been putting off because we didn’t have time, whatever it is that YOU need in order to bring yourself some peace. We’ve all heard the saying, you can’t pour from an empty cup. If you’re running on fumes, like most of us are, you’re not doing yourself, or anyone else in your life any favors. 
It’s not selfish to take time for yourself. It’s healing. 
Take the time for YOU. YOU are important. YOU are worthy. YOU deserve to smile. Your strength comes from within, build it daily for YOU.


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